Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, October 27, 2006

And just how bad is it in the news biz? We suspect when it comes to this overpublicized historical artifact the movie ad-blurbists are engaging in the most evil sin of all: SELF-CENSORSHIP. They're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't. If they rave this masterwork they sound as though they're vicariously living their daydreams; if they don't they're being insincere. Such conundrums force one to hope the news biz gets the worst, knowing all along those who deserve to lose their jobs will get raises, and vice versa.

Hey frauds! If your daydream came true we'd have PRESIDENT BIG OIL! How would you like THAT practical joke? Or do you have ANOTHER daydream besides?

Elsewhere Claudia Pig -- PUIG shakes her head vigorously, and gives us another reason newspapers should NOT run movie reviews.

P. S. When a tantrum thrower like HARVEY WHINER uses the word "un-American", remember how many people he's blackballed. What in God's name do our superiors have against us? (Via IWantMedia)

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