Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Is it me or have the hacks really been giving it the old college try these last few weeks -- as in trying our patience? Their media-police-state campaigning for Democrats has reached a blood-curdling banshee-screaming pitch, most of the blood curdling and banshee screaming originating from the readers. Today USAOKAY!!!!! tries a new tack by convincing those blithering morons (as they surely call them in Arlington) that Generation Y (I HATE TERMS LIKE THAT!) is erupting in a MASSIVE WAVE OF LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC REASON!!!!! Of course winning a Pulitzer prize in advance for its courageous disclosure of our EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL secret telephone surveillance it doesn't quite say that; it merely says the young want to "get involved." Otherwise the long-suffering peons might give the customer-service types a headache. Thank God for hermetically sealed luxury news suites! No one can ever penetrate THEM.

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