Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Missing the point, again: A brief Nathan Lee review on Friday of an exploitative "prequel" to the classic horror film "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" echoes A RELIGIOUSLY OFFENSIVE COMMENT!!!!! from Week in Review columnist FRANK -- RICH. [BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!]

Here's Nathan Lee on the new "Texas" flick: "THE MOVIE EXISTS TO BRUTALIZE!!!!! LIKE 'THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST,' IT IS AN INVITATION TO HARD-CORE SADISM!!!!!!!!!!" [Overemphasis added]

SIX OF ONE. I don't see ANY difference between these two masterworks because they BOTH worship VIOLENT DEATH. Ironically this CON-SER-VA-TIVE attitude that we must NOT criticize ANYTHING CHRISTIAN has an unnerving parallel to the LIBERAL belief that we must NOT CRITICIZE ANYTHING MUSLIM.

It is bad enough that I get less than ten hits a day. It is worse that in order to write a blog for a non-existent audience I have to work myself up over IDIOTS of BOTH SIDES who've had their MIDDLE FINGERS SURGICALLY FUSED UP. It's as if the WHOLE WORLD's ruled by LOUDMOUTHS who must take every last cue from two men whose names begin with the ALL-TOO-SYMBOLIC O.

(Via THE CORNER, where Ms. Travers must STILL be in a lather)

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