Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Thanks to DA POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we learned of a site "that has arguably supplanted Rolling Stone and Blender as the go-to place to learn about new music" -- and it's so "cool" it stiffed the BUGMEISTER. (That would seem an uncool idea if it wants to reap BILLIONS.) Having studiously scanned the site we can say it would take weeks to know all the obscure names there, and we doubt we could ever link them to all the bubbling-over musical masterworks they've no doubt produced. Here is the enigma of the Web: you can be famous and yet, for all practical purposes, obscure at the same time. And anyone who's famous to only an in-crowd may not be famous.
Then again RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or SUMNER will probably buy out the site soon for $20 BILLION, and reinforce their fame for stupidity.