Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jonathan Yardley, who writes too seldom, delivers a stirring eulogy for the fillum trade:

"The best films," Phillips quotes Lean as writing in an essay published in 1947, "are generally those that have the stamp of one man's personality." Phillips takes this as proof that Lean "recognized the concept of the auteur long before it was officially promulgated" and that, by implication, he was himself an auteur. Perhaps so, but why on Earth should it matter? Lean loved making movies and was stubborn and strong-willed enough to make the movies he wanted to within a system that tends to crush individual taste and initiative. His extraordinary career tells us that the system can be tamed and put to good use by someone sufficiently passionate, determined and talented, and we don't need any fancy French words to figure that one out.

No, David "Stocks 'n' Porn" Denby, this does NOT mean MR. TAXI DRIVER.

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