Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 19, 2006

NOT BAD: Despite another round of 1939 and all those parents and movie S&M phreaks who believe what they read in the papers, B.O. for the top 12 looks to be down about $40 million from last year, a nice heartwarming close-to-25-percent drop. A few more weekends like this and the year won't be an unalloyed triumph after all.

Some more heartwarming factoids: THE GREATEST DIRECTOR's PC war movie has bombed, as has Phone Thrower's masterwork, as have the previously-mentioned DreamWorks writedown and two other newly opened expressions of genius. Not bad, not bad at all.

P. S. The Hollywood Stenographer calls the decline "staggering." Double not-bad.

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