Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 19, 2006

A veteran literary logroller for the StinkyInky supposes he is typing Swiftian satire:

Simple choice: You want goofy names, kooky groups, multi-claused, roller-coaster, Nabokovian sentences, pop-culture sarcasm, abstruse intellectual arabesques, 10-dollar words, inside jokes, fey attributions, self-parodying guides to interpretation - buy Against the Day.

You want order, coherence, clarity, terseness?

Buy a newspaper.


I don't know about the Nabokovian sentences, but it seems to me, Carlin, we get enough of that first list of yours from newspapers -- which is why people are no longer buying them.

No newspaper, magazine, TV station, gossip columnist or late-breaking blogger has been able to locate Pynchon in his 43-year publishing career.

Seeing as how all five on this second list have newspapers in common -- ANOTHER REASON.

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