Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, December 22, 2006

And something called Times Watch puts up its dukes and delivers a banshee scream:

Times Watch Quotes of Note 2006

The Worst Quotes of the Year from The New York Times....

We Can't Bear Conservatives

"All manner of televised talkfests, including 'Today,' welcome [Ann] Coulter's pirate sensibilities back aboard whenever she has something to peddle, in part because seeing hate-speech pop out of a blonde who knows her way around a black cocktail dress makes for compelling viewing. Without the total package, Ms. Coulter would be just one more nut living in Mom's basement. You can accuse her of cynicism all you want, but the fact that she is one of the leading political writers of our age says something about the rest of us." -- Media reporter turned columnist David Carr, June 12.

Forgive us for thinking Tarzana is something of a cynic -- we see her as someday "reforming" -- but sorry, knee-jerk con-SER-va-tives, she does say something about the rest of us, as do the other zillionaire pundits who can only write in tantrums.

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