Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dahlia no doubt had to get into a Frank-Rich-like stroke-imitating mood to write this, but really, all these AWFUL desecrations of the Bill of Rights mean nothing to me. The inept prosecution of No. 20? The NSA "TAPPING!!!!!" our phones? Jose Padilla being ABUSED!!!!!!!!!!? This is why when people talk about First Amendment OUTRAGES you can hear a giant audible CLICK. They're isolated things, they don't affect the public, those affected are usually guilty of something, they'll be superseded by other OUTRAGES, and in time they'll go away.

No, when people want to ruin the Bill of Rights, they generally do it more stealthily and sneakily -- like the bureaucrat behind the desk, or RUPERT AND SLIME.

Wishing you and yours a happy, and freer, New Year.

And hoping you and your fellow hacks can cure that unstoppable St. Vitus's dance of the fingers.

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