Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, December 22, 2006

Hollywood voids another masterwork -- and look who's in it:

Of the historical figures, Robin Williams’s Teddy Roosevelt is the noisiest. Once this statue steps off his equestrian roost, he behaves like a bossy, slogan-dispensing drill instructor, whipping Larry into moral shape. But beneath his bluster, the facsimile of the 26th president is an emotional basket case, who admits in a weak moment that he is a synthetic product manufactured in Poughkeepsie.

As for the landmark proper:

[I]ts cynical lack of concern for giving the characters human feelings is a grave drawback for a movie that wants to engage children.

Who says CGI is about people?

And look who else is panning the movie -- the same rag that ran an all-but-paid full-throttle press release!

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