Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, December 30, 2006

How often do the news hacks chortle chortle about what hypocrites their readers -- er, ordinary people are about TV? How they say they hate what's on the tube but watch it anyway? Given that no network show draws more than fifteen percent of America's households, and that the networks combined get no more than 40% of the audience on any given night, this might not be hypocrisy. TV, like the movies, increasingly centers around a small but idiotically dedicated core of fans who will (and do) watch anything, and with the Web those disgusted with the medium have an (imperfect) alternative. That the dimwits at Nielsen can allege every year that how more people are watching more than ever means nothing; many may use their TVs as nightlights or babysitters, but they may not be watching, and meantime the majority is unmoved.

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