Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I wish I knew who Mr. Teachout's girlfriend is. She must be a writer or editor or some Ph.D. with a pop-culture kick, and when I surf About Last Night I hardly ever pay attention to her. Today she quotes from a movie ad-blurbist (a mem-BAH of the New Yooohk Fillum C-ri-TICS CUHcle) who, in 1,954 generous, genuinely sorrowful words tells us why CASABLANCA II -- disappoints. When a Ph.D. or whomever speaks of a cri-TIC's generous spirit we can be sure said typist creates vast gaseous verbally-freighted clouds of movie cri-TIC hot air, and is thus not worth reading. I absolutely detest the movie ad-blurbists because so many of them have this unquenchable desire to praise in the sewer depths, and they hold their noses and marvel at each new passing slop of raw waste as a masterwork, and then they compound the offense with their unending bulltripe, adding to the sewage. Really, Our Girl in Chicago should hang out with a better crowd (aside from Mr. Teachout, that is).

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