10:10 AM
by Gene
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, JOE:George Clooney is also the only star working today who would fit right in during earlier Hollywood golden eras, when giants like Cary Grant, Burt Lancaster and Paul Newman roamed the backlot.Proof affirmative for the 628,296th time that show-biz news isn't about reporting, it's about looking for work. Just because this article is REALLY about
PAUL ATTANASIO doesn't mean we think Rosie's Nephew could fill a fraction of, say, Cary Grant's shoes -- and that you mention Rosie's Nephew and Cary Grant in the same breath means the sole purpose of this typing is BOOTLICKING.
OR:Soderbergh has made much of how he used actual '40s lenses and just one camera, embraced studio-confined limitations and otherwise tried to direct much as Michael Curtiz would have done. But aficionados hoping to luxuriate in a full-blown simulation of Golden Era style will come away disappointed.
"The Good German" has little of the luster, sheen and pictorial nuance of a top-flight Hollywood picture of the old school. The contrasts are far too extreme; many compositions contain large areas of impenetrable black, and faces and other light objects are overexposed to the point of being washed out. Pic looks less like a 1942 Warner Bros. melodrama than a 1962 "Twilight Zone" episode intercut with background shots from Rossellini's "Germany Year Zero."...
Despite the starry cast, the public will steer clear, leaving the director's latest honorable but failed experiment to artfilm buffs. [Emphasis added]
Ah, but it's still Cary Grant -- right, Joe?
P. P. S.He is the brother of Mark Attanasio, owner of the Milwaukee Brewers.If I had a dime for every time they make fun of the public....
P. P. P. S.In 2001, Attanasio joined the board of directors at the telecommunications firm Global Crossing, which filed for bankruptcy in January 2002. He resigned his position on the board shortly thereafter.I'd be richer than Global Crossing investors, definitely.