Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, January 22, 2007

And speaking of DR. EVIL, his biz just excreted something else out of sight of the press:

The dialogue is dumb, but that sparks audience participation, which is part of the show. Guess which lines are in the script and which ones were contributed by viewers at the AMC Empire Thursday night:

1) "You're a sick f- - -, aren't you?"

2) "Dumbass!"

3) "Kill that motherf- - - er!"

4) "Be careful!"

5) "Shoot him!"

6) "This guy is really bleedin'!"

7) "Tell them that you didn't do it!"

Nos. 1, 4, 6 and 7 are the work of professional screenwriters.
[We would NEVER have guessed. --ED.] The best line I heard all night, though, was from the audience. When the lovers go to a motel and watch "The Birds" on TV, a guy yelled, "Better movie!"


(Via ShowBizData)

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