Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, January 26, 2007

Another brilliant insider (who is this Lefsetz?) says we're living in a GOLDEN AGE of "music" (I still say it's DOUBLE MEGA-PLATINUM at LEAST) but even HE, brilliant, savvy insider, doesn't have A CLUE how to sell all this burgeoning genius. Maybe -- and here is where the Lefsetzes will hit a wall, or bang their heads on it -- this "music" CAN'T SELL.

The "merger" of EMI's U. S. pop operations says there are STILL too many needless marques as it is. And who buys music by the brand name these days? There used to be a reason. Not anymore. But then there's no reason to buy music anymore.

(Link via, which can also be clueless on occasion)

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