Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, January 19, 2007

CNN: Amanpour Shocked By Radicals says the link in the NEW! IMPROVED!! PEOPLENEWSRAG.COM, but just past the midway point Christiane pretty well concedes why holy cockroaches so often get their way:

Extremists and radicals are very adept at playing the media's game. Even though they are a minority, a small number of them can gather on a corner, hold a protest or demonstration and get a massive amount of media attention and air time. That's because today's mostly tabloid media culture in the UK has sensationalized the "Muslim issue" and focuses only on the extremists, rarely finding the facts, context and texture beneath the surface.

Possibly -- but when you jump with glee pointing at an Osama poster it will attract attention.

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