Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Elsewhere in America's Greatest Group Blog, a "reader" comforts Jo-NAH about all the wonderful things that have happened under Dubya's watch -- eight of the twelve economic -- and says if Dubya were a "D"....Well, we'd guess if this were 1998 and NRO were liberal some "reader" would have comforted some smug glib editor about all the wonderful economic things that happened under Slick, and added some platitudes about the Cleaning Lady for good measure. But William Jefferson's era was a tawdry, sleazy, worthless time built largely on the greatly depreciating boxes of computerdom, and save for a different president and a slow-grinding war there's little difference, except that the tawdry and sleazy have ossified into outright ennui, and Dubya has no known girlfriends.

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