Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, January 25, 2007

GRUMPY EMOTICON MOMENT: The TWXSTERS raise the white flag on THEIR OWN PICTURE ("[Letters was co-produced by Warner Bros. Pictures, a subsidiary of Time Warner, which also owns TIME.]") -- albeit in the LAST GRAF:

As difficult as Letters can be to watch, that fact might make it easier for Japanese audiences to embrace it. They aren't required to ponder the psychic cost of the battle on the survivors — few as there were — nor to wonder at the political mistakes that wrought horror from Manchuria to New Guinea. That's not the film Eastwood wanted to make, and that he chose not to takes nothing away from his accomplishment. But if he had, I doubt that Abe would have walked out of a screening calling it a "very good film" — and that $40 million gross might have come out a bit lighter.

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