Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


As a former college professor, I won't deny that it's a little irritating that coaches make millions while faculty salaries average less than $50,000. Then again, there are only 119 Division I-A football programs and 32 NFL head coaches; only a handful of them make a million or more. By contrast, there are innumerable college teaching slots and each opening gets dozens if not hundreds of qualified applicants. And few teachers can bring the school a multi-million dollar windfall by being good at their job.

Finally, it should be noted that athletic competition and educational attainment are not zero sum. Paying coaches less would not mean we'd pay teachers more. Indeed if Saban helps Alabama win more football games, he'll generate millions more for the University's academic budget.

James H. Joyner, Jr. writes about public policy issues at Outside the Beltway. He is a 1995 PhD graduate of the University of Alabama's political science department and was a student there when the Tide won its most recent of twelve national football championships in 1992. [Rah-rah CRIMSON TIDE emphasis added]


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