Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lobbyists are counterproductive. The traits that make them effective among Congresspoops -- the high-fiving, the hard-sell -- are disgusting to common people. They're expert at talking past the public right into its pocketbooks. They think if they say the same dishonest thing 500 times they win an argument. That's why their gag isn't working quite as well: the public can vote too. The GOP lost Congress because it was the Party of Lobbyists. Look at the two biggest morons among the glad-handers: BILLY and SAMMY. Billy has the sort of demeanor that makes you think if he isn't guilty of something, he should be; he is the BAYOU DELAY. Big Pharma is in trouble all across the board -- threats of mandated price cutting, investigations into predatory advertising, Pfizer's big layoffs. Okay, maybe the problems are systemic -- and maybe they're the result of a biz that thought it could lobby out of them. Billy wanted what is now Sammy's job. Sammy thinks he's smarter than Hillary; you see that smug smile and you know it. He's losing on two fronts: Congress may raise violent porn on TV to the level of indecent material (!), and the record business is slowly unfurling the white flag on DRM. And he's a DEMOCRAT. For all their superduperego these two men are fundamentally clueless. Why do their cigar-chomping bosses (well, maybe not in Big Pharma -- it's UNHEALTHY) pay such big salaries to people who couldn't lobby their way out of a thimble?

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