Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, January 26, 2007

OH oh, MONEY HONEY's embroiled in the -- E word.

This is the problem with profit centers in JERNALISM: they think themselves omnipotent and insuperable. How many times have idiot hacks praised HONEY for her BEEEEEYOUTEE? and her "brains"? Honest, she was an ordinary hack who got a big break. The same with someone like THE KEYBOARD THROWER, or half the staff at ESPN, or your average millionaire pundit. By concentrating on profit centers the news biz devises one more reason why meat-and-potatoes reporting goes to hell.

(Via MediaBistro)

P. S. Howie Hairshirt and Jonny Hairshirt are lecturing her, meaning her job is safe -- for now. (Via the usual Romy)

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