Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, January 29, 2007

We are very sorry to hear that Barbaro has been put down. We wonder if all the noble effort to save his life was really worth it, whether the humane thing to do would have been just to euthanize the horse then and there at Pimlico. One might be forgiven for thinking the money factor but in this case given the horse's supreme belovedness that was surely the last concern. And beloved he deserved to be; Barbaro showed the kind of personality and spunk known to homo sapiens, and if his dreadful tale can improve the lot of race horses -- the tracks are starting to use using more horse-friendly synthetic turfs in no small measure as a result -- so be it.

P. S. I have struggled to get this in decent shape because it's so easy to sound like an idiot on something like this, as if I'm never an idiot on anything.

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