Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Elsewhere in, another typist goes into mourning over a comedian's self-cancellation of his Web video series. When a typist uses words like "classic" it smacks of desperation; when he admits "most blogs have an audience in the single digits[, a]nd most video blogs, unless made by an attractive woman, have a likely audience of one" he confesses to his "classic"'s ephemerality. (He hammers home the last e-nail in the coffin with "fleeting" in the last graf.) How many watched this comic? And how many could remember his routines? And how many, on second thought, would call them "classics"? There's too much of the you-had-to-be-there in our culture; that it all but disposes itself assures that it leaves behind not only nothing of value, but for all practical purposes nothing.

(Via Slashdot, where they're mildly upset too)

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