Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Here in brief is why I hate big business: A company in these here parts that named a stadium for itself is moving offices out of town. It claims it is not moving its corporate HQ, but this is mere semantics; the $20 million CEO's moving, presumably to be closer to his golf game, and definitely so he won't have to pay our city's wage tax. Then a spokespoop comes along and insists the company has an undying fealty to our city, which reminds me why PR is high on my s-list. Then I get angry because so many companies like GE BANCORP AND REALTY, which shrieked out of cities everywhere to avoid politically correct races, are now lying down and playing dead doing PC. Business, politicians, the press, show-biz and academe seem engaged in a fight to see who can commit the greatest affronts, and to screw the greatest number of people in doing so.

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