Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Further in the official site of the Newsrag of the Zeitgeist, impassioned eloquence:

In fairness to 1919, not everything then was worse than today. Government spying on citizens was still technologically crude, neither Einstein’s theory nor GLOBAL WARMING had yet threatened the survival of humanity, Stalin was still a wannabe and Auschwitz just another Polish town. Fewer American troops were dying in an undeclared war—in 1919, it was in the Arctic, against the new Soviet Union. But. While [SIC] RACIAL SEGREGATION PERSISTS TODAY, at least the federal government is integrated, and while African-Americans go in fear of traffic stops, and periodic police shootings and mob violence, WE DON’T HAVE PUBLIC LYNCHINGS WITH WHITE FOLKS GRINNING, ABU GHRAIB-STYLE, AT A DANGLING OR BURNING BLACK BODY!!!!!!!!!! Nobody gets 10 years in the can for saying that A WAR WAS A MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!, much as SOME AMERICANS WOULD LOVE TO BRING THAT PRACTICE BACK!!!!!!!!!! Women can vote. (The 19th Amendment didn’t pass till 1920.) And despite the influence of the JERRY FALWELLS AND JAMES DOBSONS, the Bush administration couldn’t get away with a holiday message like what the Wilson administration put out in 1919: “The world ... should find renewed hope that CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!! principles will triumph and become the dominant force in the affairs of all men and all nations.” It’s all enough to make you wonder if we really are crawling up toward the light—though of course it could be A NUCLEAR FIREBALL OR A MERCILESS SUN!!!!!!!!!! Hagedorn’s account of 1919 might help reconcile you to living in the scary new millennium. [Truth-telling overemphasis added]

He teaches in the graduate writing program at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont.

We can imagine.

P. S. Nothing yet on covers. When do we finally get a movie plug from your PR exec Devin, JonBoy?

P. P. S. And while were tapping our fingers waiting for the N of the Z to post its covers, we found this:

But Webb doesn't favor a timeline for withdrawal, as the Nancy Pelosi bill passed by the House on Friday proposes, or capping the number of troops in Iraq, as Hillary Clinton suggests. Webb wants a diplomatic solution, and he's working with Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel, a fellow Vietnam veteran and a friend for 30 years, to come up with a bipartisan bill that would incorporate some of what he calls "the more workable points" from the House bill without unnecessarily tying the hands of the military. He wouldn't say much about it—other than it's a work in progress....

We would not want to begin to guess how many columnists of every stripe view their readers as retards. This sort of graf we could have invented ourselves if someone had asked us -- and we earn several million less than Elea-NOAH. (That stinky still on?) Is JonBoy still sure we need newsrags -- or his zeitgeist?

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