5:09 PM
by Gene
In the news biz' latest bid to prove its irrelevance, rock music ad-blurbists have been having a knock-down drag-out debate over
who should be in Cleveland's White Elephant. They do not seem to be pleased. Even Edna, proud PR personage that she is, has to admit the "[r]oyal bloodlines have thinned since rock's heyday," which leads one to ask who will gain entry as an august member of the Elephant ten years hence. Of course ask Edna (or that SocSec eligible
Robert "Over the" Hilburn, who alas can still write) whether there's any significance to this, and they'll write up 500 rave reviews to prove, basically, there isn't. But if tone-deaf blurbists can say in their own dense manner our culture's bad and getting worse, what hope is there?