Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Jernalism perfesser Shafer on -- "editors writing badly":

I take as an article of faith that every workaday journalist who blossoms into the supreme editor of a publication demonstrates at some point an ability to write effectively—if not artfully. Unless they can write, how can they judge and edit their staff's copy?

And some would-be jernalism profs can't write either. We're sure Jack whizzed by the disagreement of "every" and "they." If he wanted to be non-sexist and not a dimbulb he could have written, "...all workaday reporters who blossom into supreme news editors demonstrate...." (We've replaced "journalists" as it has a "sanitation-engineer" reek.) Yes, this is just one klumpy piece of verbiage. But one such here and one such there and klumpy verbiage here and there and you're talking a sea of verbal molasses that makes people fume over reading news hacks even more than mere errors or omissions.

That this occurs in a piece about editing is a typical news-hack joke.

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