Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, March 25, 2007

On the other hand, mark two dates: May 31, when A. C. Nielsen starts rating TV commercials, and an as-yet-unspecified date when the FTC issues a report on THE CONSPIRACY'S marketing of violence to youth.

We're praying!

Further reason to pray:

Neither After Dark nor Lionsgate is a member of the Motion Picture Association of America, which represents the major studios. Such nonmember companies are not bound by the association’s promise to keep ads away from television shows, magazines and Web sites for which 35 percent or more of the audience is under 17. But they do agree to use approved advertising materials for any film that is submitted to the group for rating. In the case of “Captivity,” the association had disapproved of the material and is now considering disciplinary measures.

Like the League of Nations just meted out to Iran? What can THE CONSPIRACY do that isn't a restraint of trade? We hope maybe one of the offenders will sue it the way Tark the Jark sued the professional college sports trust -- and nearly won.

(Second link via ArtsJournal)

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