Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A story like this is a sort of nyah-nyah-nyah at conservatives. We have our bloggers! So there! Fact is Josh Marshall and most of the SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS are professional writers, and they've succeeded because they know how to network. And for all their alleged adeptness the SUPES still break a fraction of a stories as the dread MMMMMMMMMMSSSSSSSSSSMMMMMMMMMM. (Moreover both Talking Points and TPMMuckraker have seen recent audience declines, as with most of the SUPES.) And I am not impressed that our author says bloggers do such a fantastic job covering baseball. When I have to read 500 blogs to learn of a sport what do I gain except a sort of low-grade insanity? Why should I have to read 500 blogs? Can't you press clowns do your work right?

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