Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, March 11, 2007

This week the popcorn-restaurant trade meets in Vegas for the latest ways to cram as many bad movies and commercials and overpriced concessions down its patrons' throats while doing as little cleaning as possible, and looking over the agenda we are astonished at how boring the trade can be:

There has been good progress in the development and deployment of digital cinema both in the United States and various International markets, but there continues to be the perception it is slow going. What are the key challenges facing the pacing, progress and deployment of digital cinema around the world and what is the "The [SIC] Way Forward"? [Any trade that uses Bill Ford's failed catch phrase gives us reason for hope.] This session will dedicate itself to focusing on and discussing the key issues which include global adoption of single standard and performance/compliance protocol, viable business models and related issues, whether or not there is a sufficient international servicing infrastructure to support efficient and reliable digital content servicing needs, security and key management services and a host of other relevant issues. And, how might digital 3D technology impact the overall pacing of deployment of digital cinema systems.

Although we should not be surprised; "distribution" is basically trucking for the popcorn restaurants; they have their own other boring concerns, like cramming as many bad movies and commercials and overpriced concessions down their patrons' throats while doing as little cleaning as possible.

Of course it's not all droning with geeks, not with the "[p]resentation of the USA TODAY/Coca-Cola Consumer Choice Award for Favorite Movie of 2006 to Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest"!! We have always wondered why USAOKAY!!!!! runs so many show-biz press releases, and now we know why.

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