2:22 PM
by Gene
"Tom E." makes an admission:[My father] did not take me, but he arranged to have someone else take me to Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. I wrote up the speech for the Country Day News, but left out the "Iron Curtain" part as being lesser importance than other portions of his speech.pats himself on the back:
I am most proud that the "Eagleton Amendment" was the legislative act that finally ended U.S. participation in the dreadful Vietnam War.issues a curse:
After leaving the Senate, I never missed being there — except for the debate on the nomination of Bork and the HORRIBLE, DISASTROUS Iraq War. That war will go down in American history as ONE OF OUR GREATEST BLUNDERS!!!!! It will be remembered, in part, as a CURSE to our Constitution when Attorney General John Ashcroft attempted to PUT A DEMOCRATIC FACE ON TORTURE!!!!! [Posthumous overemphasis added]
and offers his own time-tested advice on serving the public, complete with the politico-speak word that marks him as a target too:
I think, frankly, people stay too long in Congress. [Mere emphasis added]
If only Sen. Eagleton had remembered Sen. Wellstone's pep-rally -- er, funeral. We can only hope he enjoys more peace now than he did in drafting one or two of his paragraphs.