Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, April 06, 2007

The capture, internment and repatriation of the British sailors and marines can only be described as a shoddy spectacle. From start to finish, the Brits heaped nothing but ignominy on themselves, and one can recall few instances in recent memory in which a group of uniformed service members acted with less professionalism and more dishonor.

The important thing is the Brits got their unprofessionals back, and for a second The World's Oldest Adolescent almost made the world forget he's a cr -- politician.

[T]here was either ineffectual support from sea and air resources, or no support at all. Iranian Revolutionary Guards were permitted to get close enough to capture the British troops, and there is some evidence that the Brits did not employ anyone to guard the search party.

In part, the United States military Code of Conduct provides,
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
By contrast, these British geniuses surrendered without a shot being fired in their own defense.

And then things went downhill from there.

This being the case I'd say things went downhill from Britain's nervous breakdown ten years ago.

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