Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Having cried over their comrades the movie ad-blurbists, the hacks turn their handkerchiefs to the folks who write the squibs for the back covers. While we feel slightly different for such people -- after all, movies these days aren't merely sub-literate, they're anti-literate -- the difference is microscopic indeed; much of what book reviewers do isn't reviewing, it's logrolling, and when they aren't logrolling they're largely synopsizing, and they do both with a willowy wispiness that avoids judgment. When was the last time you read a memorable book review? Perhaps the problem is so few memorable books; but surely there's a way of eviscerating even the slightest piece of hack work, and most book reviewers aren't the slightest writers.

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