Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hey Rance! RANCE CRAIN!! Since we're giving awards to publishers of junk magazines that are "hot", let's give awards to junk moviemakers who are "hot"? Think we can swing it, Rance?

Further translation: Here's another pile of doo-doo THE WEB foisted on us.

We almost gave Claude a NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD but held back because of the reporting. The NEXT time, Claude....

And in other content from America's leading journal of the MadAve hacks, the Three-Headed Dog hasn't even taken possession of Chrysler and already it's allegedly selling more cars! Why did it take a management change to move product -- and what's to make people abandon the brand after the novelty's worn off?

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