Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
The deputy editorial boss of the Strib retires -- and not a moment too soon for the good of his health:
"They ordained that we would have a conservative of the day. I’ve got to tell you, you run out of good ones real quick," he said. "You’ve got Steve Chapman, whom I really like, who’s a libertarian and a good guy. So you didn’t mind running him, but you kind of held your nose when you ran Mona Charon or Debra Saunders. I mean, good grief. Jonah Goldberg? Finally, we were able to get rid of that bugger. That’s my point: Avista is much less of a micromanaging outfit than McClatchy was." Keeping in mind Jo-NAH is a first-class damfool, it goes without saying if a writer like Dr. Johnson were a conservative columnist the watching-the-door-on-his-way-out ideological chief of Minnesota's Politburo would no doubt have found an excuse to call him a bugger too. We're sure he's so fond of himself he would NEVER say his immortal editorials had anything to do with all those people being laid off -- or his nice retirement (lucky him), NO; it's the DO-NOT-CALL LAW and Craigslist and department stores merging and bad education and global warming and sunspots and.... We're sorry you couldn't stay on to fight the good fight, then you and your remaining staff wouldn't have had the money for CODPIECES. (We're sick of linking to Romy -- and how the hell does he find all these PROGRESSIVE sites?)