Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Then again maybe we should liken the high arts to the NFL. The NBA's unfolding PR catastrophe reminds us that sports, too, are now largely a plaything of the rich. Take away the zillions from the Chevy Chase CEOs who browbeat their help with their luxury suites, take away the zillionaires who sit in total bordeom in the front row merely to be seen in hip snoozing, and what do you have? Certainly not fans. They gave up on some sports long ago, like $ELIGI$M, which wouldn't exist without its many superrich enclaves. The NHL is what the NBA could and should be -- a virtual league. The rich pour zillions into their athletic fetishism for no good reason. Despite their obvious joy in burning money they may not be able to do so forever. The NFL aside pro sports are on the descendant, and if this loutish ref helps accelerate the decline he will have served a useful function.

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