11:50 AM
by Gene
THE GREATEST ANIMATED COMEDY OF ALL TIME did NEARLY $6 MILLION LESS on Saturday. I don't care what that idiot PAUL DRECK and his puppet "NON" GERMAIN say, this is people screaming from the popcorn restaurants, and it's nothing else.
YESYESYESYESYES, B. O. is UPUPUPUPUP, but the fact remains for all this financial weightlifting supplemented with a huge dose of marketing steroids
THE CONSPIRACY still is maybe one or two percent higher than last year in
attendance at
best, meaning it's still making crap for a minority taste.
And now comes the tidal wave of imbecilic heds like "Mmmm! GROSSES!" and "D'oooooooooooough!", which is the moral equivalent of the rationale behind HELICOPTER REPORTING.
P. S. at 3:20 p.m.
Now somebody named GENTILE is PAUL DRECK's stooge! He must be cultivating the WHOLE ASSPRESS! And a NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD for leading off with "Woo Hoo!", the kind of moronic enthusiasm that would get him FIRED if he reported on SOMETHING ELSE.