Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, August 31, 2007

A remarkable article on the avalanche of public apologies boils their hoodwinkery down to the core:

The apology, it turns out, isn't a renewable resource. And with some crimes, "I'm sorry" doesn't make things right.

"People say, 'How do I know if he's sincere,' " Martin said, speaking about public apologies in general. "Well, you don't. It takes time to redeem oneself. And if the transgression is bad enough, it may never be possible."

At least it should never be, in fantasy life. We don't doubt The Drunken Slob of the Air (mentioned prominently here) can come back, though he doesn't deserve to. But the Sol Hurok of Dog-Fighting shouldn't. Neither should Foot Tapper. That we can even think they might shows that too many public figures, like government, like Corporate America, have no sense of shame, and they know how to use it.

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