5:50 PM
by Gene
Any city with a "championship" and hundreds of homicides has no right to celebrate. No doubt Mayor iPhone was there, his fat duff in a luxury box, his feet on a railing.
I fear for Chicago if the Cubs win the Series. Perhaps it will merely be three days of noisy drunks, but especially with the hacks drumming it into the Windy City's dear little ears that the team hasn't won a league title in 62 years and Series in about a century there could be casualties. And we know what happened during successive celebrations of MJ's empty triumphs. This could be the first sports celebration to join the hall of infamy aside Newark, Detroit and LA.
I pray not.Which got me to thinking today: Camden Yards, the first of the Ueberrothiums, is -- I had to look it up --
fifteen years old. The Orioles haven't won in a long time. Mark my words: within five years the team will make noises for a new ballpark, and by 2020 it will be out of Baltimore. After that,
le deluge, and the taxpayers get soaked.
I am sorry to be so sour on such a historic day, and I know I'm a bit foolish and melodramatic, but the well-heeled drunks are honking their horns, and I hate it.
P. S. I feel sorry for the folks in the Big Apple -- but not that much.