8:24 AM
by Gene
The former LORD KOPPEL, he who recently was certain
UNCLE WALT was dead, essentially believes that
Danno's crusading exposé on Dubya was fake but accurate. And having worked at what he terms "a pimple on the elephant's behind" he unintentionally lets loose as to how it may have wound up there:
Mr. Koppel also explained why the White House has not let him have a one-on-one interview with Mr. Bush at any time since Mr. Bush has been president.
When Mr. Bush was running for president, Mr. Koppel asked then Governor Bush what qualified him to be president. Mr. Bush cited his experience as governor of Texas, his experience running the Texas Rangers baseball team, as well as the fact that he was a loving husband and father.
Mr. Koppel replied that those qualifications would seem to be good qualifications if one were running for president of the Kiwanis Club, but not for president of the United States.
Ever since then it’s been the big freeze for Mr. Koppel from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. But there's still Henry the K. Right Your Lordship?
(Via MediaBistro)