9:38 AM
by Gene
MORE COMEDY IN NEWS: The Babbitt who owns StinkyInky Publishing Co. wants to drape the Tower of Babble with a movie ad -- and the press E-THI-
[J]ournalism ethicist Bob Steele of the Poynter Institute said the proposed deal should raise questions for reporters at The Inquirer and Daily News and for readers as well.
"Why do you need to take a time-honored buil-DING that houses two reputable pa-PERS and wrap it up and turn it into some kind of animated...CHARACTER
?" Steele asked. "Is it strictly being done to make...MONEY
? Are times that...BAD
?" [Concerned jernalistic overemphasis added]
The hacks have been selling for show-biz for decades and NOW they get mad. I guess that's the meaning of jernalism e-thi-
the usual Romy, where else)