Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, September 03, 2007

Now here is the sort of story that would send PINCH to the shrink if He weren't omnipotent: In Colorado Springs there's been an increase in murders, which shouldn't be a problem to a great crusading publisher as crime is a form of self-expression. But the police there blame it in part on [C]RAP -- which should certainly get a crusading billionaire publisher angry as popular culture is the fount of wisdom and the height of excellence, and anyone who would dare assail our popular culture is a PRUDE, a PHILISTINE, a CHRISTIAN, and the Lord God Pinch knows what other kinds of evils. So We sit in our new luxury executive offices, and fume, and think of how We can take it all with Us to the next realm, wherever that is.

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