Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, September 28, 2007

Peter Beutel, president of oil commodities consultant Cameron Hanover, said the tone in all ads from oil companies tends to be apologetic. "It's very difficult for consumers to get past that." Further, he said, most consumers don't understand the industry because they only know about volatile gasoline prices and news reports about big oil's record profits.

Which is why every last penny the oil companies spend on advertising in general and image advertising in particular is money wasted.
I might further submit that because the public knows the industry through volatile gas prices and news reports about big oil's record profits it understands perfectly well.

And what in God's name does a "manager of corporate brand and reputation" at an oil company do?

"It is the story of our time and it is definitive and it's all encompassing. . . . Make no mistake. It isn't just about oil companies. This is about you and me and the undeniable truth that at this moment there are 6.5 billion people on this planet, and by year's end, there will be another 3 million more [SIC] and every one of us will need energy to live. Where will it come from?"

One of big oil's biggest is spending $15 million so George C. Scott's son can recite this pompous blather? Since you don't seem to know the answer, Chevron, it'll either come 1. from corrupt holy sheikhdoms or tyrannies like Myanmar, or 2. from ways that might put big oil out of business. Does that answer the question?

We would note that Chevron ran screaming out of the Metropolitan Opera's broadcasts, something that did far more than $15 million in damage to its reputation.

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