4:27 PM
by Gene
Speaking of "art", today I passed by a concert in a local park; some band was playing part of
William Schuman's New England Triptych. Twenty years ago I might have stopped and listened, but time has gnarled my brain, and I can't stand outdoor music: second-rate music, poorly-played music, music that is little more than shouting at the neighbors, music made worse by a dull note-flattening reverb. Someone once wrote a piece -- I wish I could remember who -- suggesting we have too much music in our lives, that music has become inescapable, a mental burden. When I think of how much rotten music I endure every day that does seem reasonable. It's gotten so I'm even having trouble collecting CDs, the one fitfully relaxing hobby of my life.
Interesting: the Wiki folks say this work was commissioned by André Kostelanetz. Does anyone remember him? He commissioned Copland's
Lincoln Portrait too -- and he was
the king of cheesy listening.