Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, September 21, 2007

This singularly annoying story that The Econowiz' publisher is whispering sweet nothings into THE 100 MOST IMPORTANT POLITICAL BLOGGERS' ears before publication (let me guess: The Professor, The Bloggers of the Millennium, B. S. Defender, the Volokhheads, Kos, Joshua, Mr. Mellerdrammer, etc., etc., etc.) confirms, as if we need confirming, that bigbloggers and BIGMEDIA are one, and that both sides' principal activity is backscratching for publicity. Just because somebody is on an INFLUENTIAL list doesn't mean he's any good. Look at the TWXSTERS' listorrhea; look at ForbesList's. Yes, we're mad because after nearly five years hardly anybody reads us, but dammit what is so awe-inspiring about these chosen few that a rag with an inflated opinion of itself (largely brought on by BUGMEISTER BILL stumbling over it) has to get their attention? Wouldn't it be more honest just to pay them, the sort of thing that may happen more than we may care to know?

(Via IWantMedia)

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