9:39 PM
by Gene
Today saw the Atlanta Braves' last game of the season -- and also, very sadly,
the last Braves broadcast on TBS. We followed them regularly during their height in the nineties, and no announcing team had more attitude -- in the good sense -- than Skip, Don, Pete and Chip. Of course with SELIGISM slowly becoming a second-tier sport and the TWXSTERS casting off all things MOUTH their time was foreshortened, but thankfully PEOPLE WARNER (when not placing ads on game shows) will pay up to $11 million a game for an LCS, which will require shaking a few more customers upside down. Unfortunately, they can't say they'll have had fun in the shakedown, as at least we did watching the Braves. So long, fellows. Without you SELIGISM becomes ever more midgetized.