Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
TRANSLATION: Kolledges keep churning out IGNAHRAYMUSSES, but since this study comes from A CON-SER-VA-TIVE SOURCE, we can 1. Ignore it because it's not our politics or 2. Ignore it because it says what we fear to be true.
P. S. In comments -- and we rarely pay attention to them in any Web site as the bulk seem to come from those with a third-grade education -- a likely college professor writes: THE CLINTONS CORRECTLY IDENTIFIED THE VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY AS SOMETHING TO BE WORRIED ABOUT! UNDER THE AEGIS OF A MODERN DAY GOEBBELS—AND I SPEAK OF KARL ROVE—CONSERVATIVES AND RADICAL CHRISTIANISTS CREATE AND PARROT A PLETHORA OF LIES ABOUT ANYTHING THEY PERCEIVE AS LIBERAL AS BEING AN UNAMERICAN CONDUIT FOR TREASON AND IMMORALITY!!!!! THE TACTIC IS A PAGE OUT OF THE NAZI PLAYBOOK AND IT IS DEFTLY EXECUTED THROUGHOUT ALL FORMS OF MEDIA AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS!!!!!!!!! ITS PERMUTATIONS METASTISIZE LIKE CANCER, SPREADING DEMONIZING LIES INTO OUR CIVIL DISCOURSE. THE GOAL IS DECEPTIVELY SIMPLE: POLARIZE THE CULTURE INTO GOOD VS. EVIL. IT IS TOTATLITARIANISM WRIT LARGE, AND IT IS HAPPENING TO US, TODAY, AND IF IT IS NOT STOPPED WILL DESTROY AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Slight overemphasis added] Although another contributor rationally links the problem to our HY SKOOLS, but they're in the business of not leaving anyone behind right now. Or was "Stroke" taking the day off? In fairness though to the YOUNUHVERSUHTEES, it's likely KOLLEDGES have churned out IGNUHRAYMUSSES for some time, and they might not be entirely at fault. (See? We can read an article from the KRONIKUL UV HYER EHDYUKAYSHUN!)