5:01 PM
by Gene
Day is done, gone the sun....Howard Stern, who joined Sirius Satellite Radio in January 2006, has the highest-cuming channel on satellite radio, according to the report. Howard 100, the channel devoted almost entirely to his weekday show and rebroadcasts of that show, has a cume of 1.225 million.We don't know what "cume" means; no doubt it's shorthand for quintuple- and sextuple-counting. Looking down further (hard to do given R&R's screwy pop-ups) we see Stone's Channel 100 (they definitely got his name wrong) has an "average quarter-hour audience of
96,700" (emphasis added). This, FRIENDS (to use a PILLHEADISM), isn't even a fraction of the 900 million listeners Stang (I'm thinking that's his name) got in his prime. If I were a DOG-Star shareholder I'd be screaming for ZONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN's head -- although more likely I'd have sold the stock eons ago.
What's especially irritating is this may be the first reliable head count of Strong's (yes! THAT'S his name!) listeners in the nearly two years he's broadcast into the satradio void -- and with the CHEAP CHANNELS coming back with digital it is now certain this idiocy is history -- if the Web isn't making
both moot.