8:46 AM
by Gene
A big day today at MediaBistro: First, we learn
Drunken Slob has hired a PR guy. Why? Aren't Jeff "MENSA" Greenfield and Howie Hairshirt and Sen. Morals and Ken Felatta and SCREAMER Carville and all those other assorted always-on sycophantic frauds enough to restore his rep? Isn't having a 21-SECOND DELAY PR enough? Second, somebody who shares a last name with
the frizzy-haired Stooge does his best Jonny Hairshirt impersonation and furrows his frizzes because
David Brooks of "the New York TImes" [SIC] doesn't "get" po-PU-lar culture. Here are two more pundits debating the merits of Coke vs. Pepsi -- and I can't tell the difference because it sounds as though they'd both say rotten "music" is pretty good. (Though we must confess
this is a singularly stupid column even by
Paper of Re-CORD standards.) Third,
MOVEON.ORG!!!!!!!!!! is staging a protest rally against Facebook -- on Facebook. These guys are almost as good at getting publicity as the "Rev." Sharpton.