Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Friday, December 28, 2007
Again, I'm not saying the credit crunch isn't a problem. I'm not saying that a lot of middle class Americans haven't bet a lot on the continued rise in their homes' value, or that if they take a big hit the resulting slowdown in their spending might not tip the whole economy into a recession. (But it might not not!) I'm saying that DURING THE RUNUP IN HOUSING PRICES THE AIR WAS FILLED WITH COMPLAINTS FROM THE LEFT THAT THE RICH WERE BIDDING UP THE VALUE OF HOUSING, WHICH WAS BECOMING UNAFFORDABLE FOR ORDINARY AMERICANS WHOSE WAGES WERE RISING ONLY SLOWLY, ETC..!!!!!!!!!! [SIC] [I'm-never-wrong overemphasis added]
And further, if The Professor says THE MEDIA created all those condo towers in Miami and all those sprawling developments in the middle of nowhere, not to mention the subprimes and the flippers and the "liar loans" and the SIVs and the CDOs and the extremely accurate bond ratings and the Chuck Princes and the Jimmy Caynes and the Stan O'Neals and the Angelo Mozilos, all so they could "scupper the Republicans", WELL, he MUST be right, for he has descended from the heavens to tell the GOSPEL TRUTH -- just like YOU, MICK! How did this insufferable blowhard get to be so prominent? (Via Jo-NAH, who's having ANOTHER STAR TREK MOMENT)